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Chapter Officers

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Chapter President- Grant Downs

Hey Frontier FFA! My name is Grant Downs and I am a Senior here at Frontier. I currently serve as the Chapter President and past Treasurer and Sentinel. Last year I served as the South Valley Sectional Secretary and I am proud to serve YOU this year. Inside my jacket you’ll find me showing pigs and cattle, competing in speaking competitions, and competing in the Farm Power CDE. Outside of my jacket I like to travel, go hunting, and spend time with friends and family. I plan to meet a lot of new people this year and connect with the 400 plus members of Frontier FFA! 

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Treasurer- Ryan Chapman

Hi Frontier FFA my name is Ryan Chapman and this year I’m serving as your 2024-2025 treasurer! My freshman year I served as a greenhand officer, and last year I was an executive committee member. I have raised and taken 2 pigs to the Kern County Fair and have participated in many of our chapters activities. This year I will be showing my 3rd pig Blackjack and I am most looking forward to helping out with the many activities and events our chapter has planned. When I am not participating in FFA activities I enjoy hanging out with family and going to hockey games! These last 3 years have been the best, I’m so excited for this upcoming year, and I hope I can help everyone enjoy FFA as much as I do! 

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Vice President- Julia Appleton

Hey Frontier FFA! My name is Julia Appleton and I am one of our chapter’s Vice Presidents this year! Along with serving our chapter I am also the South Valley Sectional Vice President! I am a Senior this year and I’m looking forward to all of our fun activities, meetings, and competitions this year! Outside of school and FFA I spend most of my time at dance, church, or hanging out with my friends! I can’t wait for all of the fun to come this year! 

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Reporter- Remygton Mills

Hi everyone!!
My name is Remyngton Mills (Remy); I’m 15, a sophomore at Frontier High School, and I’m thrilled to be your 2024-2025 chapter reporter! Being a Greenhand officer my freshman year was a fantastic way to become more active in my chapter and motivated me to pursue this officer role. I’m grateful for the opportunity to serve Frontier FFA! My SAE project involves my Pygmy goats, which I’ve shown at the Kern County Fair since I was seven. What started with two pygmies has grown into a herd of fifteen! Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with friends at youth group, taking care of my dogs and market goats (my 4-H projects), and being with my family. I cherish Galatians 6:9-10: “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. "I can’t wait to see what this year brings us! 

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Vice President- Atticus Burns

Hey, my name is Atticus Burns, and this year I'll be serving as one of our chapter's Vice Presidents. I am currently a Junior and will be showing l my chickens this year at the Kern County Fair. Hobbies I have other than FFA, are spending time with my family, and trying new things, as well as talking with friends. I'm keen on meeting the members in our chapter, and look forward to seeing everyone at meetings. I'm excited to see what the rest of this year has in store for us! 

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Secretary- Tara Dunn

Hey, my name is Tara Dunn and I am currently serving as your chapter Secretary. I am going into my Junior year of high school and I will be exhibiting my ducks at the Kern County Fair this year for the first time! Outside of FFA I love spending time with my friends and family. Some of my hobbies consist of baking and gardening. I look forward to connecting with all the members in and outside of our chapter this year! 

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Sentinel- Samantha Grant

Hi Frontier, my name is Samantha Grant! I’m your 2024-2025 chapter Sentinel. I have been in our program for three years and have done many things with our chapter. My favorite activity to do with our chapter has always been showing at the Kern County Fair where I show rabbits and guinea pigs! Outside of FFA, I spend my time stocking and working at my downtown Toys and Comics booth. I am so happy to serve my fellow peers as a chapter officer this year. I can’t wait to see what this year brings to our chapter!! 

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Historian- Rilyn Oakes

Hey Titan family!!! My name is Rilyn Oakes and I will be your 2024-2025 Chapter Historian. Last year was my first year as a FFA member and I fell in love! Durning my freshman year I served as a Greenhand officer. This year for FFA I will be showing my pig Mr.Waddles at the Kern County Fair! When I’m not doing FFA, you can catch me on the soccer field or the stage. I play soccer for South Valley surf. And this year I debuted as Gretchen Wieners in Frontier’s musical Mean Girl’s JR. I am so beyond excited to serve you guys with my fellow officers this year and I can’t wait to meet and connect with every one of you! 

Committee Chairs

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SAE- Colton Taylor

Hi everyone my name is Colton Taylor and I’m going to be a Senior this year! I am your 2024-2025 SAE Chair! I am involved in our chapter by showing goats and dairy heifers at the Kern County Fair, attending meetings regularly, helping out during our drive thru BBQ’s and participating in our chapter activities when I can. Outside of school I am very active in the church and I love to worship and praise God with my friends! This year I am most excited for all the opportunities to grow as a person through FFA and i’m excited to graduate with all my fellow seniors!


Meeting- Paisley Harris

Hey y’all!!! My name is Paisley Harris and I’m a sophomore. I am so excited to be your 2024-2025 Executive Committee Meeting Chair. My freshman year I was a greenhand officer and I completed in many CDE’s and LDE’s. I made so many new friendships last year that have greatly impacted my life. I show horses and a dairy heifer. Outside of school I also show my horse in reining shows. I’m so excited for all of our fun meetings, activities, and competitions this year!


Finance- Cooper Clark

Hi everyone my name is Cooper Clark I’m a sophomore and I am your 2024-2025 Finance Chair! As a freshman I competed in Parli Pro, BIG, Creed, Opening and Closing, and I was a Greenhand officer. This year I will be competing in Opening and Closing, and Parli Pro once again as well as Impromptu, Dairy Judging, and Novice record books. I also have a swine project that I am raising and will be showing at this years Kern County Fair! Some hobbies I have outside of FFA include water sports, shooting sports, and cooking. This year I’m excited to compete in new competitions and see our chapter grow.


Community Service- Madasyn Campbell

Hi, my name is Madasyn Campbell, and I am a junior and currently your community service chair for the executive team for the 2024 - 2025 school year. I show both rabbits and dairy heifers at the Kern County Fair and participate in many competitions throughout the year. Some of the CDE’S and LDE’S I have competed in are Opening and Closing, Impromptu, BIG, Banking, and Record Keeping. Although I love ag, I am also active in theater as I carry an officer position and help out with Honor flight activities.


Fundraising- Zim Denny

Hi, my name is Zim Denny, and I am a senior and currently your fundraising chair for the executive team for the 2024 - 2025 school year. I show dairy heifers at the Kern County Fair and participate in many FFA events throughout the year. My favorite FFA Activity is the opening and closing contest. I love welding and all things cowboy.🐄🤠


Public Relations- Kristlynn Maddux

Hi everyone my name is Kristlynn Maddux, I’m a Senior and I am your 2024-2025 Chapter Communications Chair! Inside my FFA Jacket I’ve done many things for our Chapter such as holding a Greenhand office my freshman year, attending meetings regularly, helping in our many extravagant events we hold, I show my rabbits and pigs at the Kern County Fair, and have competed in LDE’s such as Opening and Closing, and Job Interview. I‘ve also competed for 2 years on our CDE Dairy Judging Team! Outside of my FFA jacket i participate in a range of things, I work part time at Crumbl Cookie,I love baking & painting, I’m an officer for senior ASB, an officer for Interact club, A TNT leader for our schools student section, a volunteer for Morning star ministries as well as Boys & Girls Club of kern county, and I am our Frontier Rep for EpiSTEM learning, and am a Junior Ambassador for the Kern County Fair. I am excited for so many lasts as a Senior, but I am most excited for the Kern County Fair this year since it will be my first and last year showing with my little brother and to WALK THE STAGE ON MAY 29TH WITH ALL MY FRIENDS!!

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