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Frontier FFA Alumni

The agriculture teachers at Frontier High School rely on the Frontier FFA Alumni to help them get more support from the community for their agriculture programs and to give them more time and freedom to do what they do best - teach kids. Frontier FFA relies on alumni members for help with recruiting students and raising funds for chapter activities and scholarships in conjunction with the Frontier Ag Boosters INC. Frontier FFA Alumni also assists at California FFA conferences, the National FFA Convention & Expo and other personal development programs. Through their commitment to FFA and agricultural education, Frontier FFA Alumni helps guide the students in their communities down the path to success. The National FFA Organization outlines the Vision, Mission, Values, and Strategic Goals of the National FFA Alumni Association. These four areas are the aim and focus of the Frontier FFA Alumni Chapter. 



Students whose lives are impacted by FFA and agricultural education will achieve academic and personal growth, strengthen American agriculture and provide leadership to build healthy local communities, a strong nation and a sustainable world.



FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education.



We value the integral nature of FFA and agricultural education.

We value agriculture as an essential part of society.

We value diversity in serving all populations.

We value the impact of a teacher on a student's life.

We value the impact and involvement of parents/guardians and communities on a student's life.

We value the community's support of agricultural education teachers and programs.


Strategic Goals:

  1. Every FFA chapter has an active and fully engaged FFA Alumni affiliate at the local level. It is evident that alumni affiliates play a key role in today’s agriculture education community. The role is more vital than ever, especially in today’s education climate where funding is often short with expectations continuing to rise. An effective FFA Alumni affiliate of strong volunteers will allow teachers to "take the reins" in their classroom and allow their supporters to be charged with fundraising, advocacy and more. Affiliates reduce the work load, provide valuable resources and give agriculture education programs much needed guidance and support.

  2. Become leaders in advocacy for agriculture education at a local level.Once established, affiliates are enabled to be the voice and organized voting power for a local agriculture education program. The local movement is focused around building community support. This goal involves everyone who makes decisions about how to support agriculture education – including legislators, local businesses, school boards, other teachers and all members of the community. To succeed we must lead!


Visit our Scholarship page to find all available scholarships for college students!

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